What is Afrikania?
Afrikania is a spiritual movement that believes in the existence of one Supreme Being who is the Creator of all living things. We believe that the Creator reveals his divinity to every individual nation, therefore everyone is at liberty to worship Amon-Ra in accordance with ones inheritance and culture. Amon-Ra created the universe and filled it with his sons and daughters. We are all children of the Most High Creator, therefore we are all entitled to prosper if we live in accordance with the divine laws of nature and live a righteous existence with our fellow brothers and sisters.
Afrikan traditional spirituality has been forgotten by Afrikans for centuries due to cultural genocide, slavery and colonization. Our vision is the rebirth of the Afrikan spiritual concept, more specifically Afrikania Mission which is the practice of Afrikan divinity based on the unique diversity of Afrikan cultures. It is also a unifying concept for all Afrikan peoples of the world. We must reclaim what is ours and become proud of the divine inheritance we have been blessed with from Creation ; it is proven that the belief in a Supreme Being has always been indigenous to the Afrikan World Family, since time immemorial.
Fundamentally, Black/ Afrikan people have the same spiritual concepts, whether it be Akan spirituality, Shango, Candomble, or Masai spirituality. We must use these concepts as a unifying factor to obtain the highest personal and spiritual development so as to build collective spirituality; this sacred wisdom will enable us to rebuild great and mighty civilizations once again as our Holy Afrikan ancestors did in the ancient past.
The Purpose of the Afrikania Mission is to create a new world order for the children of Amon-Ra based upon the Nubian- Khamitic principle of Maat which is righteousness, justice and truth -the structural foundation of our ancient Afrikan spirituality and the divine law of nature that our Holy Afrikan ancestors lived by for thousands of years.
Our Mission is to help the Afrikan nation accomplish the goal of mental and spiritual liberation from colonialist thought and self-hatred, so we as one people of one destiny may learn to appreciate, respect and honour the Afrikan philosophy and theology and may therefore reclaim the magnificent inheritance of our ancient divinity which we have been deceived to neglect through spiritual blindness and lack of knowledge of ourselves.
Who is an Afrikan according to the Afrikania Mission Charter?
According to Afrikan philosophy, the definition of an Afrikan is : a native or inhabitant of the Afrikan continent or any other person of Afrikan origin in the world; specifically the brothers and sisters of the Diaspora ( Caribbean, North and South America etc.) who were forcefully brought to the Americas to build the New World for the economic benefit of Europeans.
We conduct ourselves according to the Divine Law of Universal Order that we have inherited from the Creator & our Holy Afrikan ancestors which is the 42 Admonitions of Maat (3 500 years B.C.E.) recorded in the Papyrus of Ani (or The Book of Life and Death); the first spiritual scriptures of humankind. The 42 Admonitions of Maat are the principles of divine obedience upon which we stand and the moral order that we live by.
Which group of people does the Afrikania Mission wish to contact ?
The Afrikania Mission is seeking to communicate with the thousands of our Continental and Diasporan brothers and sisters worldwide (regardless of their religious or social affiliation) who would like to learn more about their ancient Afrikan spirituality; any member of our extended Afrikan family is welcome to come and serve the Creator from the Afrikan perspective. We conduct our spiritual service according to the Afrikania Mission "Guidelines for Community Worship" ; which is documented in our spiritual book " Nwoma Kron Kron ". At this present time, our services are held once a month in the City of Montreal.
Afrikania Mission does not charge any membership fee for enrolment but donations are accepted and appreciated. The Divine Theology of our Holy Afrikan ancestors indicates that when one is elevating into a higher spiritual realm, one must rid thyself of certain psychological impurities and worldly dimensions which constrain the spirit-being from growth, therefore, mental and spiritual cleansing is a must-do before ascending into the Sacred Universe of our Holy Afrikan ancestors.
The Afrikania Mission Spiritual Initiation is as follows:
1. The 42 Admonitions of Maat given to us by Amon-Ra and our Holy Afrikan ancestors 3500 years B.C.E. should be read by each participant to plea for repentance before Amon-Ra.
2. A fresh bowl of blessed water with herbs is prepared for each participant so they may cleanse each others' face, hands and feet. This process indicates the arrangements of spiritual upliftment from mental bondage.
3. The fresh bowl of water is placed in front of each participant, after the cleansing process each participant is guided to the arms of MotherAfrika through their purification of the spiritual bath by stepping over the Ocean of Blindness to the River of Peace and Serenity. A candle is lit which
signifies the divine illumination of our Holy Afrikan ancestors whom are in union with Amon-Ra, one of the most significant procedures of reparation and repatriation is the spiritual journey to MotherAfrika and the realm of the Supreme Being.
4. Upon completion of the 3 Steps of Spiritual Purification, the last preparation is the entry into the ancestral clan of each individual participant by being placed upon the stool -which is the spirit and embodiment of the nation; finally each participant will be offered the ancestral food (usually mashed yam or plantain with palm oil) which indicates the newfound link between our Holy Afrikan ancestors and Amon-Ra.
This is the method of our spiritual initiation as One People, being guided by One Divine Force with One Destiny! May the Creator of Afrika, the Creator of the Universe in union with our Holy Afrikan ancestors and all good spirits which Amon-Ra created for our Benefit and not for our destruction, protect the Afrikan continent and all her Children and all the struggling and suffering people of the world.
The Afrikania Mission worldwide will continue to pursue and strive towards the vision of a spiritually and mentally emancipated Afrikan world and a unified Afrikan nation until the goal is attained.
May your will be done.